

Clone, Install & Set Up Your Cluster

You will learn how to create a shared folder, install Miniconda on all nodes, clone the required codebase, and verify that all nodes have access to the necessary files and consistent environments - and most importantly - to ensure uniformity across all nodes, as inconsistencies can result in challenging-to-identify bugs during the training process.

Using a Shared Folder

Note: Make sure to use a shared folder that is accessible by all nodes in your cluster. Alternatively, ensure that the environment is identical across the entire cluster after installing all dependencies to avoid potential issues.

First, it is essential to create a shared folder that can be accessed by all nodes within your cluster. This ensures uniformity and eliminates potential issues arising from discrepancies in the environments of different nodes.

This tutorial will proceed under the assumption that you have established a shared folder accessible throughout your cluster. Now, let’s define the variable for this shared folder:

export SHAREDDIR=./shared/folder/path

Compiling a List of Cluster Nodes

To begin, create a list of all the nodes in your cluster and store it in an easily accessible location, like ~/nodes.txt. This file defines which of the nodes will be used in parallel execution and parallel training processes.

Create a file named nodes.txt containing the SSH host names of all nodes to be used:


(Of course, replace the placeholders node-001, node-002, and so on, with the specific hostnames or IP addresses that correspond to the nodes in your cluster.)

Important: Make sure that the starting node for training is listed as the first entry in the text file to avoid potential errors during the initiation of multi-node training.

Note: Confirm that SSH access is set up for all nodes to allow the execution of remote commands.

Installing Miniconda Across All Nodes

Miniconda is a minimal installer for Conda, which is an open-source package management system and environment management system. By installing Miniconda, we can efficiently manage Python environments and dependencies like CUDA and NCCL. Following the installation, we will make sure that every node has access to the identical environment.

  1. First, we’ll install Miniconda3 on a single node:
    1. Install Miniconda3 in the shared folder, for example, $SHAREDDIR/miniconda3/.
      To download the installer, use the following command:
         wget -O $SHAREDDIR/
    2. Run the installer.
      The following installation command will install Miniconda3 in the shared directory $SHAREDDIR/miniconda3.
      bash $SHAREDDIR/ -b -p $SHAREDDIR/miniconda3
  2. Initializing Conda on All Nodes
    Once you have installed miniconda, it is necessary to add the Conda initialization snippet to the .bashrc file on each node. This step guarantees that the Conda environment is correctly configured every time you log in.

    1. Create a file $SHAREDDIR/ using the following command:
      cat <<EOF > $SHAREDDIR/
      # >>> conda initialize >>>
      # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
      __conda_setup="\$('$SHAREDDIR/miniconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
      if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then
          eval "\$__conda_setup"
          if [ -f "$SHAREDDIR/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
              . "$SHAREDDIR/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/"
              export PATH="$SHAREDDIR/miniconda3/bin:\$PATH"
      unset __conda_setup
      # <<< conda initialize <<<
    2. Now, append this snippet to the .bashrc file on all nodes.
      You can do this efficiently by using the following command:
      parallel -a ~/nodes.txt ssh {} 'cat $SHAREDDIR/ >> ~/.bashrc'

      This command reads the list of nodes from ~/nodes.txt and appends to ~/.bashrc on each node using cat.

    3. Verify the availability of the Conda environment on all nodes
         parallel -a ~/nodes.txt ssh {} 'source ~/.bashrc && command -v conda >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "{}: Conda is installed" || echo "{}: Conda is NOT installed"'
  3. (Optional) Ensure Only Conda’s Python Libraries Are Used

    To prevent Python from inadvertently importing packages from ~/.local/python, it’s best to disable user site-packages. This ensures that only the libraries managed by Conda are used during execution.

    Export the PYTHONNOUSERSITE Environment Variable

    Add the following line to the end of your .bashrc file on all nodes:


    Important: Setting PYTHONNOUSERSITE=True ensures that Python does not consider the user-specific site-packages directory (such as ~/.local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages) when importing modules. This helps maintain a clean and predictable Python environment, preventing conflicts with Conda-managed packages. (Bugs are especially hard to find, if all but only a few nodes use the conda environment, while some nodes use different versions that have been installed locally.)

    You can append this line to all nodes using the following command:

     parallel -a ~/nodes.txt ssh {} 'echo "export PYTHONNOUSERSITE=True" >> ~/.bashrc'

Cloning and Configuring the Codebase

Next, clone the tutorial’s Open-Sora fork: [].

  1. Clone the Repository
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Repository
    cd Open-Sora
  3. Run the Installation Script
    To set up the environment and install the required dependencies, simply execute the installation script. This script will create a Conda environment and handle the entire installation process for you.

    Note: The installer comes in two versions:, which uses PyTorch 2.2 (the version used by Open-Sora), and, which uses PyTorch 2.3 (requiring a bit more work). We suggest using the PyTorch 2.2 version unless you encounter problems, such as issues with the NCCL version, in which case you can switch to PyTorch 2.3.

    This process may take some time. Feel free to grab a coffee while you wait or read what it does below!

    yes | bash
  4. Activating the Conda Environment
    After the installation completes, activate the newly created Conda environment osora-12:
    conda activate osora-12
  5. Verifying the Installation
    To confirm that everything is set up correctly, run the installation checker:
    (Use install-check-pytorch23 in case you have chosen PyTorch2.3)


    If everything went well, you should see the following output:

    Starting environment check...
    Checking nvcc version... OK
    Checking Python version... OK
    Checking PyTorch version... OK
    Checking CUDA version... OK
    Checking Apex... OK
    Checking Flash Attention... OK
    Checking xFormers... OK
    SUCCESS: All checks passed!

Installation Details

Optional Section: The information below offers further details about the processes carried out by the installation script. If you do not wish to delve into these specifics, feel free to move on to the next section.

Click here to read more details about the installation script.
  • Creating a New Conda Environment
    The script creates a new Conda environment named osora-12.
  • Installing CUDA Dependencies
    CUDA dependencies are installed via the NVIDIA channel, all fixed to version 12.1 to ensure compatibility.
  • Compiling and Installing NCCL (only the PyTorch 2.3 installer)
    NCCL (version 2.20.5-1) is compiled and installed. This version has been tested and works well in our setup.
  • Installing PyTorch
    PyTorch 2.2 or 2.3.1 is installed depending on the installation script used. PyTorch 2.3.1 allows dynamic linking of NCCL, enabling you to test other NCCL versions without recompiling PyTorch.
  • Installing xFormers
    xFormers version 0.0.26 is installed. This package provides efficient Transformer building blocks and is compiled against PyTorch.
  • Installing FlashAttention
    FlashAttention version 2.5.8 is installed. It’s an efficient attention implementation that speeds up Transformer models, also compiled against the specific PyTorch version.
  • Installing Apex
    Apex is installed. This PyTorch extension contains tools for mixed precision and distributed training, also compiled against the specific PyTorch version.
  • Installing Other Dependencies
    • ColossalAI
      ColossalAI package provides a unified interface for large-scale model training, also compiled against the specific PyTorch version. It is installed from a custom branch that works with PyTorch 2.3 if the Installer is used
    • Diffusers
      Diffusers is installed, which is a dependency of ColossalAI. This package offers tools for diffusion models.
  • Small Bug Fixes
    • YAPF Package version pinning. (Due to a bug with the Open-Sora code with a later version)
    • Protobuf Package version pinning. (Due to a bug with the Open-Sora code with a later version)

Preparing the Cluster

Ensuring that all nodes in your cluster have access to the necessary files and environments is critical for distributed training.

Important: The following steps will also download the parts of the network that are not trained from scratch, such as the pre-trained 3D VAE for efficient video compression and the T5 text model.

Distributing Necessary Files Across Nodes

  1. Perform a Test Inference & Download Required Model Weights
    We’ll run an inference script to (1) test if the installation is working correctly and (2) to automatically download the required pre-trained models into the Hugging Face cache directory ~/.cache/huggingface/hub.
    python scripts/ configs/opensora-v1-1/inference/ --prompt "A beautiful sunset over the city" --num-frames 32 --image-size 480 854
  2. Copying the Hugging Face Cache to Shared Storage
    Since only the current node has the downloaded models so far, we’ll copy them to a shared directory accessible by all nodes.
    cp -r ~/.cache/huggingface/hub $SHAREDDIR/opensora_hub_ckpts
  3. Distributing the Cache to All Nodes
    Now, copy the cache directory to the Hugging Face cache directory on each node. This ensures that all nodes have access to the pre-trained models required for training and inference. (If you don’t do that and the nodes don’t download the models themselves, the error messages don’t explicitly tell you that weights are missing. )
    parallel -a ~/nodes.txt ssh {} 'cp -r $SHAREDDIR/opensora_hub_ckpts/* ~/.cache/huggingface/hub/'

Initializing Weights & Biases (wandb) on All Nodes

Weights & Biases (wandb) is a tool for tracking experiments, visualizing metrics, and collaborating with others. We’ll initialize wandb on all nodes to monitor our training process.

Setting Up wandb

  1. Install wandb in the Conda Environment

    If wandb is not already installed, install it in your osora-12 environment:

    conda activate osora-12
    pip install wandb
  2. Log In to wandb

    You’ll need to log in to wandb on each node. However, since we have a shared home directory or can execute commands on all nodes, we can automate this process.

    Option 1: Using Shared Configuration
    If your home directory is shared across all nodes, logging in once is sufficient.

    Option 2: Automating Login on All Nodes
    If you need to log in on each node individually, you can use the following command:

    parallel -a ~/nodes.txt ssh {} 'wandb login YOUR_WANDB_API_KEY'

    Replace YOUR_WANDB_API_KEY with your actual wandb API key, which you can retrieve under the following link:

    Note: Ensure that you’re securely handling your API key. Avoid exposing it in shared scripts or logs.

  3. Verify wandb Initialization

    You can verify that wandb is set up correctly on all nodes by running the following command:

    parallel -a ~/nodes.txt ssh {} 'python -c "import wandb; wandb.init(project="open-sora-test"); wandb.log({"test_metric": 1})"'

    Check your wandb dashboard to see if the test runs have been logged for all nodes.

What Next?:
By completing these steps, you’ve set up your cluster environment, cloned and configured the Open-Sora codebase, ensured all nodes have the necessary files and models, and initialized wandb for experiment tracking. You’re now ready to proceed to the next stage: downloading and preprocessing the dataset.

Proceed to the Dataset — Downloading & Preprocessing section to begin working with the data required for training the Open-Sora model.